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1. Purpose. The UJTL
is a library of tasks, which serves as a foundation for capabilities-based planning across
the range of military operations. The UJTL supports the Department of Defense in joint
capabilities-based planning, joint force development, readiness reporting, experimentation, joint training and education,
and lessons learned. It is the basic language for development of a joint mission-essential
task list (JMETL) or agency mission-essential task list (AMETL) used in identifying required capabilities for mission success.
2. General. a. The UJTL, when augmented
by Service and other applicable task lists, is a comprehensive, integrated menu of functional tasks, conditions, and measures
to aid in crafting standards (measures and criteria) supporting all levels of the Department of Defense in executing the National
Security Strategy (NSS), National Defense Strategy (NDS), and the National Military Strategy (NMS). b. The UJTL database (DB) consists of appropriate
tasks, conditions, and measures in a common language and reference system for various users, to include joint force commanders
(JFC)/Agency Directors and their planning staffs, joint force developers, combat support personnel, joint experimentation
agencies, and joint trainers. The UJTL is adaptive and flexible, and vertical and horizontal linkages exist and can exist
among UJTL tasks. Vertical linkages connect related tasks between levels of war (LOWs), such as strategic national communications
linked to tactical communications, while horizontal linkages, or parallel linkages, connect different tasks at the same LOW,
such as tactical communications being used for tactical maneuvers. UJTL tasks are meant to be mapped to capabilities to meet
operational mission requirements. For example, joint operations planners and analysts can use
the UJTL to translate missions into common language tasks that trainers and combat developers can use to derive operational
and future force development requirements. This capabilities-based mission-to-task connectivity enables
determination of what Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF)
changes affect future force development. Additionally, these tasks will enable operational planners
to determine what forces (defined as “an aggregation of military personnel, weapon systems, equipment, and necessary
support, or combination thereof”) are required to achieve desired capabilities when used in conjunction with the Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS). During the planning process, lessons
learned linked to specific UJTL tasks will provide insight into how best to accomplish specific missions using various capabilities.
Additional applications of the UJTL are described in Paragraph 9. c. The UJTL is a key element of the capabilities-based, “mission-to-task”
joint training system (JTS). In implementing this system, all users conduct mission analysis,
identify specified and implied tasks, use the UJTL to describe these tasks (including supporting and command-linked tasks),
apply guidance to determine essential tasks, select conditions that impact the tasks, and select measures and criteria that
form the basis for standards. They document these essential tasks, conditions, and standards as their warfighting requirements
in a(n) J/AMETL.
3. UJTL a.
The JDEIS UJTL DB contains a comprehensive hierarchical listing of the tasks that can be performed by the Joint Staff, Services,
combatant commands and components, activities, joint organizations, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and combat support agencies
(CSAs) responsive to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The relationship between missions, operations, and tasks is
discussed in Paragraph 8. In addition, the JDEIS UJTL DB includes a menu of sample measures of performance and measures of
effectiveness associated with each UJTL task. These measures with criteria associated with a particular maximum or minimum
performance level by commanders/directors, become the standards of performance consistent with mission requirements. These
measures are neither directive nor all-inclusive. They should be used as a guide and may be modified or expanded based on
the user’s experience and needs. b. The UJTL identifies what is to be performed in terms common to joint organizations. The UJTL task description
does not address how or why a task is performed (found in joint doctrine or other governing criteria), or who performs the
task (found in the commander’s concept of operations and joint doctrine). UJTL language and terminology must be consistent
and compliant with existing joint doctrine language and terminology and in accordance with (IAW) reference e (See paragraph
7). c.
In J/AMETL development, commanders/directors select the tasks that most closely describe what is being performed as determined
by mission analysis. Single-digit listings (e.g., SN 1, ST 1, OP 1 and TA 1, etc.) are “category headings,” designating
broad functional task areas. In general, they should not be used in a(n) J/AMETL, though in very rare situations single-digit
listings can be considered when two-digit tasks would be so numerous to the point of being unmanageable. Two-, three-, four-
and five-digit tasks allow for more specificity in creating a J/AMETL, and they should be used to effectively capture the
requirements of a mission's specified and implied tasks. d. The JDEIS UJTL DB contains a listing of conditions in the physical, military,
and civil environments that may be used to describe the operational context for selected mission tasks. Conditions are neither
directive nor all inclusive. They should be used as a guide and may be modified based on the user’s experience and needs.
Modified conditions should be submitted to the JS J-7 UJTL Coordinator (UC) for inclusion in the UJTL DB. (This in no way
precludes the commander/director from using conditions prior to their being incorporated in the JDEIS UJTL DB. The intent
of submitting the conditions is to add the conditions to JDEIS for everyone’s use.)
4. Joint Tasks a. Joint tasks describe, in broad terms, the current and potential
capabilities of the Armed Forces of the United States. Joint tasks are actions or processes accomplished by a joint organization
under joint command and control using joint doctrine. They are assigned by combatant commanders, subordinate JFCs and joint
task force commanders to be performed by joint forces, staffs, and integrated Service and functional components. This CJCSM
provides an overall description of joint tasks that can be applied at multiple levels of command (e.g., strategic national,
strategic theater, operational, and tactical). Each Service publishes its own task list to supplement the UJTL and links appropriate
Service tasks to corresponding UJTL tasks. A detailed description of these tasks is provided in the JDEIS UJTL DB. b. The joint tasks listed in
this DB are not all inclusive. Service and Defense agency components are capable of tasks beyond those listed.
5. Conditions. Conditions are variables of the environment that affect the performance of a task. Some conditions
are designed to help describe the theater of operations (e.g., host-nation support); others describe the immediate joint operations
area (e.g., maritime superiority), while still others describe the battlefield conditions (e.g., littoral composition). When linked to specific joint tasks, conditions help frame the differences or similarities between
assigned missions. Enclosure C of this manual provides a more detailed explanation of “Joint Conditions.”
6. Measures and Criteria of Performance. Commander’s
approved measures and criteria of performance comprise the task standard to describe how well a joint organization or force
must perform a joint task under a specific set of conditions. Commanders use criteria and
measures to establish task standards based on mission requirements (such as maximum number of failures or minimum percentage
of units trained). These standards, when linked to conditions, provide a basis for planning, conducting, and evaluating military
operations as well as training events.
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