What is meant by “Capabilities-based”
training and readiness”? What the H###- is a METL? (Or these tasks, conditions, standards, and linkages) And how, or why,
do they fit into the overall scheme? Come learn the background and the basics for DOD’s readiness and training systems that focus
on performance and how we are linking resources to expected performance.
In a single-day seminar, we
will cover the readiness reporting systems (DRRS & DRRS-N), the concept of the Universal Joint Task List and the Navy’s
logical extension, the Navy Tactical Task List (NTTL), missions and mission-essential task lists (METLs and NMETLs), and the
role and operations of the Navy Training Information Management System (NTIMS), and the Navy Warfare Training System (NWTS)
path for producing ready Naval forces through the FRTP.