Wednesday, May 30, 2012
How hard are METLs?Let’s say I show up in China-
somewhere they have never heard or seen of baseball- with a brand new bag of Rawlings baseball equipment
and a rulebook- translated into Chinese. Wonder what would happen? Follow the slide
show – Famous METS- to discover how METLS can be employed for mission planning, analysis, and fun! DKB
2:05 pm edt
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
NMETLs and NWTS: The Path to Fleet IntegrationAdmirals Harvey (Commander, U.S. Fleet
Forces) and Walsh (Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet) in their joint Fleet Integration Executive Panel PFOR message laid out the
objectives: “Fleet
Commanders are responsible for providing the training, tools and time needed to deploy with confidence to accomplish their
assigned missions.” Establish
clear lines of accountability and ownership. Provide Stakeholder involvement at all levels and across boundaries. COMPACFLT and USFLTFORCOM forces shall operate from a common baseline defined by joint
policy and joint standards.
The bottom line for any system is its ability to execute the “Detect-to-Engage”
(DTE) sequence or the “Kill Chain.” Several
different depictions/descriptions of the sequence exist. One is called FFTTEA - Find, Fix, Track, Target,
Engage, Assess.
2:08 pm edt